Tag: Hard SF

  • Iain M. Banks (1954-2013)

    I was really saddened to learn of the death of science fiction author Iain M. Banks on June 9th. It wasn\’t really a surprise, given that he\’d announced to the world two months before that he had terminal cancer. But most of us thought he\’d be with us for a few more months at least,…

  • SF Labels and Categories – Useful, or a Waste of Space?

    SF fans just love to categorize and pidgeon-hole their fiction, to label it so that it fits neatly into certain little boxes with other fiction of exactly the same kind. I\’m referring primarily to all those little categories, sub-categories, sub-sub-categories, and so on, that we invent to identify and promote the various kinds of SF&F…

  • It\’s a Geek\’s Life… (Part Three)

    This one has been a long time coming, far too long. But better late than never, I suppose… 🙂 The Barren Years – The Near-Death of Geekery During the Eighties All throughout the first half of the 1970\’s, I was in geek heaven, having seemingly unlimited time to spend on my obsessions with comics, sf…

  • It\’s a Geek\’s Life… (Part Three)

    The Barren Years – The Near-Death of Geekery During the Eighties [A]ll throughout the first half of the 1970\’s, I was in geek heaven, having seemingly unlimited time to spend on my obsessions with comics, sf literature, telefantasy and sci-fi films. But by 1977-78, things began to change considerably. I began my A-Levels at college…