Tag: Doctor Who: Classic Series

  • Sci-Fi on Television (Part 1)

    I\’m a big fan of sci-fi on television, which I almost always refer to by its \”proper\” name, telefantasy. The 1950s-1990s were, in my opinion, the Golden Age of telefantasy, and the first real telefantasy started about a decade or so before my birth (in December 1960), when Captain Video and His Video Rangers first…

  • Doctor Who: 50 Years in Space & Time (Part 5)

    In my previous posts, I discussed the various 50th Anniversary activities in Doctor Who Magazine, the Radio Times and the TV Times, as well as the various television celebrations, in particular the 50th Anniversary Special itself, The Day of the Doctor, and the remarkable historical drama An Adventure in Space and Time. The final big…

  • Doctor Who: 50 Years in Space & Time (Part 4)

    In my last post, I discussed the Doctor Who contents of the 50th Anniversary editions of both the Radio Times and the TV Times, and both magazines have pulled out all the stops for the 50th Anniversary. But when it comes to the magazines, nothing beats Doctor Who Magazine. The November 50th Anniversary edition of…

  • Doctor Who: 50 Years in Space & Time (Part 3)

    With the Radio Times celebrating Doctor Who\’s 50th Anniversary, with no less than TWELVE variant covers, the TV Times also got in on the act with their own 50 Years of Doctor Who Anniversary edition for the week of 23rd-29th November, with four variant Doctor Who covers. I have the 1963-1969 Cover #1, featuring Hartnell…

  • Doctor Who: 50 Years in Space & Time (Part 2)

    Last time out, I talked about what TV has been dishing up for us to celebrate our favourite Time Lord\’s 50th birthday. This time, I\’m having a look at what\’s been happening on the magazine front. In this first part, I\’ll be looking at the Radio Times. The November 23rd-29th edition of the Radio Times…

  • Doctor Who: 50 Years in Space & Time (Part 1)

    As this month marks the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who, my all-time favourite telefantasy series, I reckon that now is the perfect time to relaunch this blog as a dedicated Doctor Who thingie, rather than the more general telefantasy blog of its previous regeneration. I now do all of the more general stuff over on…

  • It’s a Geek\’s Life… (Part Two)

    The Golden Years – Geek Nirvana During the Seventies [T]he start of our teenage years is the sweet spot for the vast majority of us, particularly geeks, the beginning of what is probably the most fondly remembered period of our lives. It\’s long enough ago that most of our memories are fond, rosy ones, but…

  • It\’s a Geek\’s Life… (Part One)

    [H]ere\’s the first part (of three) in the story of my rise to geekhood. Early Days in the Sixties – Genesis of a Geek I’m a card-carrying geek. I’ve always been a geek. I\’ve been one all my life, right from when I was a very young child, and I simply can’t conceive of being…