Category: Doctor Who

  • Doctor Who Series 9 Episodes Listing

    Saturday past gave us the first episode of the new Series 9 of Doctor Who, The Magician\’s Apprentice, and a cracking start it was too. Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman reprise their roles as the Doctor and companion Clara Oswald, and this first episode alone gave us a cracking story and a whole bunch of…

  • Doctor Who Series 9 Starts Today!

    I\’m looking forward to the rest of this evening, just sitting here, eagerly awaiting the start of The Magician\’s Apprentice, the very first episode of the new Series 9 of Doctor Who, which begins very shortly, at 7:40pm, on BBC1. Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman return as the Doctor and Clara, and I won\’t give…

  • Doctor Who (New): Series 8 DVD Box Set (Part One)

    [I]\’ve just recently gotten my hands on the Series 8 DVD Box Set of the new Doctor Who, and I\’m about to give it the once over. I\’ll be posting my opinions here, quick, general impressions first, followed by more in depth thoughts on each episode as I watch them. I\’ve only ever seen these…

  • Doctor Who New Series 8 DVD Box Set (Part One)

    I\’ve just recently gotten my hands on the Series 8 DVD Box Set of the new Doctor Who, and I\’m about to give it the once over. I\’ll be posting my opinions here, quick, general impressions first, followed by more in depth thoughts on each episode as I watch them. I\’ve only ever seen these…

  • Doctor Who – The Beginning (DVD Box Set)

    [R]ecently, I decided to conduct an interesting experiment in total immersion in classic Doctor Who, go right back to where it all started, and start watching my Doctor Who DVDs in order, starting with the earliest episodes first. Well, you can\’t get any earlier than The Beginning three-disk DVD Box Set, which contains the first…

  • Doctor Who – The Beginning (DVD Box Set)

    Recently, I decided to conduct an interesting experiment in total immersion in classic Doctor Who, go right back to where it all started, and start watching my Doctor Who DVDs in order, starting with the earliest episodes first. Well, you can\’t get any earlier than The Beginning three-disk DVD Box Set, which contains the first…

  • Another Doctor Who Night In
    (Part Four)

    [L]ast time out, I mentioned having a nice evening in watching a couple of classic Doctor Who DVDs, namely the first and third stories from Season 16\’s Key to Time sequence, The Ribos Operation and The Stones of Blood. I\’ve already given my views on The Ribos Operation, So, on now to The Stones of…

  • Another Doctor Who Night In (Part Four)

    Last time out, I mentioned having a nice evening in watching a couple of classic Doctor Who DVDs, namely the first and third stories from Season 16\’s Key to Time sequence, The Ribos Operation and The Stones of Blood. I\’ve already given my views on The Ribos Operation, So, on now to The Stones of…

  • Another Doctor Who Night In
    (Part Three)

    [L]ast night I had another Doctor Who DVD-watching session, swinging back to the Tom Baker Doctor again. I watched a couple of Graham Williams-produced stories from his second season, this time concentrating on two of the tales from the Season 16 Key to Time sequence, the first and third stories respectively, The Ribos Operation and…

  • Another Doctor Who Night In (Part Three)

    Last night I had another Doctor Who DVD-watching session, swinging back to the Tom Baker Doctor again. I watched a couple of Graham Williams-produced stories from his second season, this time concentrating on two of the tales from the Season 16 Key to Time sequence, the first and third stories respectively, The Ribos Operation and…