Category: Fanzines

  • Plaything of Sutekh #3

    [I]\’m absolutely delighted to report that, after quite a long wait since the previous issue, Plaything of Sutekh #3 is at long last out in the wild. I\’m tickled pink by this news, as it is not only one of my favourite zines, but one of the best fanzines being produced today. For those who…

  • Fanzines – Creative Genius at the Grass Roots (Part Four)

    Okay, here\’s the fourth and final part of my ramblings on my memories of and experiences with fanzines. This one takes us right up to the present day and the most modern fanzines. I\’ve already mentioned how I faded away from collecting fanzines in the late-1990s, and have only really rekindled the passion for zines…

  • Fanzines – Creative Genius at the Grass Roots (Part Three)

    In my previous two posts, I\’ve talked about my general experiences with, and thoughts on, fanzines. Now I\’ll share a few more specific thoughts about the actual zines that I\’ve come across over the years. The earliest zines that I collected date from the 1970s and early 1980s, and were mostly based around SF literature…

  • Fanzines – Creative Genius at the Grass Roots (Part Two)

    I remember my older Doctor Who, Star Trek and other general SF and telefantasy fanzines from the pre-computer DTP era, and the difference between those old zines and the modern variety is startling. The contents of those old zines were amazing, but the production values were, understandably, universally low, dodgy typewritten and photocopied efforts, the…

  • Fanzines – Creative Genius at the Grass Roots (Part One)

    [I]\’ve always loved fanzines. I have, for some reason, an extremely strong affinity with fanzines and small press in general, a powerful connection that I\’ve never felt even with the best \”pro\” mags. It\’s almost a religious thing with me. I get a bigger kick out of reading a tatty old A5 black & white…

  • Christmas Comes Early – Santa\’s Bringing Me 19 Issues of Spaceship Away

    I joined the Spaceship Away group over on John Freeman\’s excellent Down the Tubes forum a while back in preparation for my first subscription/purchase of Spaceship Away. I\’ve been following the magazine very closely since the early days (still have some of the fliers that they sent me) and have always intended to subscribe, but…