Welcome to the new Science Fiction Reader blog.
This blog is focused solely on science fiction literature, and is intended to be a review and recommendations showcase for the best SF stories that I\’ve come across over the years, as well as any new material that I happen to read. As such, the nature of the blog posts will be very subjective, focused on what I like, rather than made up from lists of mainstream \”Best-Sellers\”.
I see this as a Very Good Thing. There are numerous blogs and websites \”out there\” reviewing the best of mainstream SF&F, and I intend this site to be something completely different. My own tastes in SF are heavily biased towards short fiction and older/classic SF, so those tastes will be reflected in the posts that I make here. I\’m very widely read in older SF, and have an enormous collection of SF novels, individual author short story collections, and anthologies of short fiction by a range of authors, some of them very old and remembered only by a few of the \”wrinklies\” out there. So there will be no shortage of material to review.
I also have some truly eclectic and obscure tastes when it comes to older SF, so there will be quite a few posts spotlighting \”forgotten\” gems from the earlier days of the genre, as I attempt to bring them not only to the attention of the younger generation of SF readers who have never seen these stories before, but also to jog the memories of older readers who might have read some of these stories way back at the dawn of time.
As for more modern SF, I\’m a huge fan of Hard SF, Classic Space Opera, and their modern offspring, New Space Opera. I absolutely LOVE New Space Opera! It\’s easily my favourite sub-genre of modern SF. So there will be quite a few posts featuring some of the best new releases in New Space Opera novels and short fiction.
Okay, I\’m off now to do some reading. I\’ll not be making many reviews if I sit around here all day yapping. 🙂